How to make a horse lie down next to you


According to Nancy Diehl on, “lying down behavior in horses is a completely normal part of sleep. Horses are polyphasic sleepers, which means they have multiple, discrete sleep episodes in a 24-hour period. Time budgets show that horses spend one to three hours (adding up all sleep episodes) in a 24 hour period lying down, in both sternal (upright) and lateral (flat on side) recumbency. Differences are seen according to feeding and turnout management (horses tend to lie down less in constant turnout). We also know that foals spend more time recumbent and that gradually decreases as they age.” 

Horse lovers also know that it is a particularly sweet and also rare occasion that horses lie down next to their owner, or next to a stranger. We can teach a horse to lie down, or we can carefully walk over and sit next to them while they are resting.
Today, I want to talk about something different though:

How do you achieve that a horse, voluntarily, chooses to lie down and rest next to you? No tricks, no cues, just because he wants to?

? I´ll make it official now – as an HGE facilitator I guarantee that you will, sooner or later, see horses lying down next to you and your clients.

Not because we train them to do so! They do it as their own, free choice. When a horse is allowed to share their opinion, it will help us achieve a coherent heart rhythm and inner harmony. ??

We will become authentic in our quest, and accept ourselves. From this state of mind, we can learn and grow effortlessly. The horses will feel safe around us and seek our company.

Did you know that horses, naturally, will choose the “least-needy” person?

❌ They don´t love it when we are focused on them, needing their attention and prancing around.

✅ They love us more when we are in harmony, at ease, and not needy.

What you can do TODAY to make this happen: 
  1.  Take a book to the paddock and read, ignoring your horses. Do this for 30 minutes, several times a week. Your horses will start to feel safer around you and seek your company. This is called “Sharing Territory” and was introduced to me by the great horsewoman Carolyn Resnick and her Waterhole Rituals. 
  2. When you are anxious, nervous, stressed, or worried, go to the paddock and focus your attention on the area of your heart. Place both hands on your heart and imagine your breath is flowing in and out of your heart. This technique is called heart-focused breathing and taught by HeartMath®.  Observe your horses and set an intention to be included in their herd. Your heart rate will become balanced and that is attractive for horses. 
  3. If your horse comes over to you, do not touch him on his face. Do not touch him at all! Open your palms, and receive, while breathing with the horse. Close your eyes, or lower your gaze. Do not stare at the horse. You can sit down or stand next to the horse, quietly. Listen to your gut or intuition, the horse will probably share a telepathic, emotion-based message with you. 
  4. Do not ignore negative emotions. Accept them as they come, and release them peacefully. This is called Mindfulness and will help you to show up with your authentic self. Horse don´t want you to be perfect. They want you to be you. 
  5. The more experience you get with the above, the more often you will receive insight “out of the blue”. That happens because you gain access to your intuition and to the horse´s emotional messages. Acknowledge the horses´insight. Say (or think) “thank you for sharing this, I appreciate you”, or some other similar phrase. 
Give it a try, or book a session with one of the worldwide facilitators or, even better, join the course and learn to facilitate it with your clients.


That way more horses will be heard and more people will benefit from it. 

Thank you, certified HGE facilitator for the beautiful photo! ???